Celebrity News: Could Oscar Pistorius be on the verge of suicide?

Written By master video on Monday, March 11, 2013 | 1:16 PM

Some times when these celebrities are in trouble, they often think suicide is their only way out.  The 'Blade Runner' could be thinking about committing suicide.  According to NYDailyNews.com, a close friend of his says Oscar Pistorius on the verge of taking his on life, allegedly.   

According to NYPost.com, Pistorius is allegedly selling his possessions to afford his legal defense, certainly this is a sign of one preparing to die.  Also his sponsorship deals are gone, and he is struggling to pay his legal bills, which already total $300,000, which is no doubt adding to his stress.

It would be a shame if Pistorius commits suicide, because no one will really know what actually happened on the day of his girlfriend's death.  Even if he did commit murder and confessed to it, at least he would not have to die with guilt, for it is better to be honest and repent.  If not, he will go down in history as one whom achieved his dream and gave up, regardless of his legs being amputated when he was a child.

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Close friend of Oscar Pistorius says the disgraced South African track star is 'on the verge of suicide.'

The Blade Runner is a broken man possibly on the verge of suicide, according to a new report.

A close friend of Oscar Pistorius says the disgraced South African track star is a shell of his former self following the fatal shooting of

Source and Photo: nydailynews.com
Source: NYPost.com
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